Tag Archives: city officials

Tempest in a Teapot: The CPD Promotions

January 24, 2012

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The Columbus Civil Service Commission meeting of January 19, 2012 left more questions than answers for the officers of the Columbus Police Department. The meeting, marked by confusion, anger and at least one citizen filleting the department, could not have come at a worse time for Chief Selvain McQueen. With crime perceived as being out […]

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Monday Morning Water Cooler Talk for January 2, 2012: Happy 2012

January 2, 2012


As we enter a new year, it is always a good time to consider the craziness of what has happened the year or years before. It is spiritual time of self-reflection and a time of great renewal. It is a time where sentiment and wide-eyed optimism meet. It is the splendor of the excitement of […]

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